Strategic Management (Fach) / Short terme response systems (Lektion)

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Vorderseite Suprise Management

Three Triggers for "Suprise Management"

  • the issue arrives suddenly and unanticipated
  • it poses novel problems whitch the firm has little prior experience
  • failure to respond implies either a major financial reversal oder loss of a major opportunity

Problems/ Soluions in Cryses:


  1. Danger of panic
  2. Information overload
  3. Disruption of priorities
  4. existing stratey does not apply
  5. high time pressure


  1. Emergency communication network/ Exercises under non crisis conditions
  2. Information evaluation and assignment center
  3. top manageent divisions of responsibility (control and maintenance of moral/ response to suprise/ "Business as usual")
  4. Strategic task force network
  5. Exercise under non crisis conditions and novel problem solving capability (creativity/ teamwork/ analytical skills)

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