Profil von Beccii


Erstelle Lektionen: 27

Erstelle Karteikarten: 2562

Diese Lektionen lernt Beccii zur Zeit

  • Money and payment methods of payment, cash flow, money Idioms, Company structure, Jobs and responsibilities, organisational structure
  • Marketing Marketing mix, Market Research, Segmentation
  • Communication verschiedenes
  • Sales and distribution supply chain, Distribution channels, Grey and black market, delivery and payment
  • Graph discription Introduction, adjectives, verbs
  • Economics/International business Business/ economic cycle
  • Products and Brands Brands and brand Extension, Ansoff Matrix, describing products, effective advertising,
  • Banking different types of busniess loans, security for a loan - why do banks need it?, factors that influence the rate of interest on a loan
  • Urlaub Vokabeln am Flughafen, im Hotel, im Restaurant, beim Sightseeing, etc.