Semantic Theories (Fach) / Cognitive Semantics (Lektion)
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Diese Lektion wurde von anipanni erstellt.
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- Cognitive semantics is an approach to the meaning of language that interested in how meaning is related to and determined by cognitive representations cognitive semanticists are convinced that natural languages can't be translated into a formal language, because their meanings are not clearcut and transparent but rather may be fuzzy
- Prototype semantics... is concerned with word meanings a variant of lexical semantics (also considered in formal, interpretive and structural semantics) in formal semantics: word meanings are descibed via meaning postulates (don't analyze word meanings into meaning components but rather express semantic relations that hold between (unanalyzed) word meanings. meaning postulates have the form of a logical implication. meaning of a word or lexeme according to this approach is the set of meaning postulates in which the lexeme in question occurs as the antecent of an implication (to the left hand of the arrow)
- Prototype semantics developed out of criticizing feature-based semantics it aims at describing the vocabulary of a language on the basis of a finite set of semantic features bundles or sets of features are considered necessary and sufficient to describe word meanings -> set of features are instructions for the user of a language
- Difference between feature based semantics and prototype semantics feature based: operates with checklists and all the features must be present prototype semantics: there is a set of features and these features represent the prototypical use and other uses of the same word exhibit family resemblance