Ling 201V (Fach) / English Idioms (Lektion)
In dieser Lektion befinden sich 2 Karteikarten
2. Semester - Dr. Schäfer
Diese Lektion wurde von kora110982 erstellt.
Diese Lektion ist leider nicht zum lernen freigegeben.
- Close your eyes and think of England To go through a situation without being able to change something.This is what you say if you want to advise somebody to just put up with an unpleasant situation: “If he speaks to you like this again, just close your eyes and think of England.”Originally the idiom referred to unwanted sexual intercourse. It is ascribed to a lady Hamilton, who was rather glad that her husband did not call on her as often as he used to do. In her journal she wrote: “When I hear his steps outside my door. I lie down on my bed, close my eyes, open my legs and think of England.”
- A red herring Herrings actually turn red when they were dried and salted. They were used to mislead the hounds. It originates from a technique of training of young scent hounds involving "red" herrings. The trainer would drag a red herring (whose strong scent confuses the animal) orthogonally to the animal's trail to confuse the dog. Something that distracts people’s attention from the main point A red herring is an idiom referring to a device which intends to divert the audience from the truth or an item of significance. Detective novels (Krimis) use red herrings.