amerikanische literatur (Fach) / english final (Lektion)
In dieser Lektion befinden sich 50 Karteikarten
alle vokabel des final exams
Diese Lektion wurde von Moshay erstellt.
- animosity n Excitement of feeling against someone
- bellicose adj inclined to fighting
- cantankerous adj quarrelsome muerrisch gelaunt
- captious fault finding adj
- polemical adj streitlustig searching for an argue
- altruistic adj benevolent uneigennuetzig
- largess n generosity grosszuegigkeit
- magnanimous adj easy in forgiving, noble in purpose
- prodigal adj verschwenderisch, wastful
- squander v verschwenden to waste
- alleviate v to lighten / render more tolerable erleichtern
- ameliorate v to better to improve
- appease v to bring to peace to calm
- mediate to act as intermediary verhandeln
- quell v to cushion unterdruecken
- affable adj easy of conversation
- amicable adj friendly / kind
- convivial adj sociable hostible
- gregarious adj being good company
- levity n lightness of mind lack of appropriate seriousness
- avaricious adj desirous of accumulating wealth
- frugal adj careful of using goods or money
- mercenary adj only working for money
- parsimonious adj tight fisted geizig
- penurious adj in need, poor
- Adversity n trial, misfortune, challenge
- confounding adj puzzling, irritating, challenging
- Debacle n unexpected failure, disaster
- Enigma n smth unexpected, extremely puzzlingen, a mistery
- Quagmire n swamp of problems
- brevity n being short in speech
- laconic adj brief, introductive, not mentioning everything
- pithy adj full of concentrated meaning
- succinct adj expressed in few words
- reticent adj disinclined to speak freely
- bombastic inflated, pretentious
- colloquial adj informal
- digress v to deviate from the subject
- eloquence n the act of expressing something with fluency, moving the feelings, convincing
- loquacious adj talkative
- braggart n someone who brags much boasts about achievements
- arrogant adj too strong sense of one-selfs qualities and achievements
- complacent adj selfstatisfied
- contemptuous adj showing your own superior
- swagger v to walk or behave in a superior or overconfident way
- banal adj lack originality
- cliche n overused phrase or opinion no original thought
- derivative adj not original
- platitude n remark/statement/opinion which is not interesting anymore -> used too often
- vapid adj offering nothing challenging