Channel Management (Subject) / 03 - Channel Flows and Efficiency Analysis (Lesson)

There are 5 cards in this lesson

1) Channel Flows - Which work needs to be done in the channel system? 2) Efficiency Analysis - How do we determine channel member compensation?

This lesson was created by hannemac.

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  • Channel Flows Physical Possession (Storage and delivery costs) Ownership (Drawing title, cost of capital) Promotion (Personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, publicity, public relations costs) Negotiation (Time and legal costs) Financing (Credit terms, terms and conditions of sale) Risking (Price guarantees, warranties, insurance, repair, and after-sales service costs) Ordering (Order-processing costs) Payment (Collections, bad debt costs)
  • Zero-Based-Channel meets the target market segment's demands for service output minimize the cost of performing the necessary channel flows that produce those service outputs
  • Equity Principle compensation on the pasis of the degree of participation in the marketing flow and the created value by this participation compensation should mirror the "normative profit share"
  • Measuring flows with the "efficiency template" Activities/flows have recognizable names recognizes where cost occur accounts for all relevant costly flow activities
  • Functions of "efficiency template" describe type and work done by each channel member highlights the importance of each flow for service outputs shows the profit that each channel member should collect