Geschichte (Fach) / Geschi (Lektion)

Vorderseite Reasons for blaming Germany for the outbreak of the First WW

Prewar actions of Germany, Germany's fault that war broke out?

PRO- general development- Reinsurance Treaty not renewed by Germany(1890)- weak Triple Alliance- introduction of "Weltpolitik" in 1897: navy, colonies, German hegemony as military & economic aim- strange decisions by Willhelm II- arms race with GB & Daily Telegraph Affair, last hopes for a German-British alliance are lost

PRO- July Crisis 1914- carte blanche/ Blank Cheque/Blankoscheck for Austrian action against Serbia-> confrontation with Russia- ultimatum to Belgium demanding the right of trespassing for the G. troops- 2 more ultimata: demands a) Russian demobilization b) F. neutrality- "mobilization without an actual attack"- G. march through B.- G. declaration of war on Russia

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