Geschichte (Fach) / Geschi (Lektion)

Vorderseite Treaty of Versailles
  1. General Acknowledgement:

G. had to take full responsibility for the outbreak of the first WW (Art. 231)

28th June 1919

Territorial Terms:

- G. altogether lost: 13% of its territory & 12% of its population- most important territorial losses:1) Alsace-Lorraine is returned to F.2) Parts of Eastern Germany are given to Poland-> Poznania->Polish Corridor & Danzig is made a free city, Eupen & Malmedy are given to Belgium, Memel area is seized by Lithuania- Territories that voted to remain German (plebiscite): Allenstein, Marienwerder, Southern Schleswig, Saar (1935), Western Upper Silesia- Territories that voted to leave the German nation: Eastern Upper Silesia, Northern Schleswig

Economic & Material Terms:- 132 billion Goldmarks had to be pais to the allied nations over 30 years- as a start 20 billion Goldmarks had to be paid in kind: raw materials, industrial goods, engines, etc.- territorial losses caused that G. lost: 48% of its iron ore, 16% of its coal and 15% of its agricultural production

Military Terms:- disarmament:-> demilitarization of the Rhineland (left bank completely & right bank up to 50 km east)-> reduction of army & navy to a minimum(100 000 men in army, no tanks, no war planes, no heavy arms/very limited number of war ships for the navy, no submarine)- no compulsory military service for the male population anymore (no conscription/draft)

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